‘A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions.’


Successful leaders balance pride with humility: absolute pride in performance; total humility before the magnitude of the task.

The challenge is to always improve, to always get better.

A culture of asking and re-asking fundamental questions helps to achieve clarity of execution.

Humility allows us to ask a simple question: how can we do this better?

Humility does not mean weakness. We understand the strength of humility. It allows us to connect with our deepest values.


Leaders create leaders by passing on responsibility, ownership, accountability and trust.

Shared responsibility means shared ownership. A sense of inclusion means individuals are more willing to give themselves to a common cause.

By arming our team with intention, we enable them to respond appropriately to change, without losing sight of the vision.

We arm our team with intent - and then step out of the way.


Inspired leaders and teams find their deepest purpose - and attract followers through shared values, vision and beliefs.

We connect personal meaning to a higher purpose to create belief and a sense of direction.

We believe in developing the individual and giving them the tools, skills and character they need to make a contribution.


Let someone else praise your virtues.

Never be too big to do the small things that need to be done.

Character triumphs over talent.

Collective character is vital to success.

Our values decide our character - our character decides our value.


“It is not the strongest species who survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin.

When you’re on top of your game, change your game.

A successful company is an environment of personal and professional development, in which each individual takes responsibility and shares ownership.

We must always prepare for change - even when enjoying success.